Parenting Blogs

Stages of Development Series (part 6)

“I am strong. I am brave. I can do this!”

The Golden Years, as we discussed last week, are a season within adolescence where slow and steady growth of the body and mind are blossoming! While the physical body is making room for continued musculoskeletal development in preparation for the final preteen and teen maturation through the early 20’s, 7-9 year old’s are also growing in their emotional and social awareness.

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Stages of Development Series (part 5)

“I am strong. I am brave. I can do this!”

The Golden Years, as we discussed last week, are a season within adolescence where slow and steady growth of the body and mind are blossoming! While the physical body is making room for continued musculoskeletal development in preparation for the final preteen and teen maturation through the early 20’s, 7-9 year old’s are also growing in their emotional and social awareness.

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Stages of Development Series (part 3)

"Going, going, going... ALL. DAY. LONG!"

Oh the years of 5-6! Abounding energy at a level that could power New York City, as my husband and I often joke about our youngest, is flowing through these incredible youngsters from sun up to sundown… And sometimes even beyond! If you have recently experienced some crazy nighttime storms in your neck of the woods and the accompanying middle of the night pounce into your bed, you may know all too well that these "energizer bunnies" can even kick, punch, roll, flip and flop in their sleep too!

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Stages of Development Series (part 2)

“Wait! I have to tell my mommy something!”

If you enjoy watching our youngest Ninjas in action during Early SKILLZ class enjoyment, then you know all too well how much these littles absolutely love to tell mommy and daddy all about their special thoughts, feelings, challenges and victories in real time!

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Stages of Development Series (part 1)

"Mommy, look my muscles?!"

I remember it like it was yesterday when my youngest son who was three years old at the time came running into the kitchen to show me his BIG arm muscles after doing some push-ups with his daddy... Or at least his version of push-ups which looked more like a version of the worm LOL!

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Brain Skillz (part 4)

Our recent family vacation had come to a bittersweet end and the piles of folded, clean clothes on the dining room table were evidence enough of all the fun had over the past extended weekend! My boys looking up at me with their heavy, post-"fun in the sun eyes told me that the lights were on upstairs but their tired brains were not functioning at their optimal level to process my directions. To be perfectly honest, neither was this mama's brain as I tried to recall the order in which I asked my boys to put away their things!

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Brain Skillz (part 3)

Think, think, think!"

Do you remember the classic Winnie the Pooh cartoon? Do you remember watching Pooh Bear wander to his thinking spot to try and recall his most important thoughts? He would sit and ponder what it was he forgot so that maybe, just maybe he would be able to get back on track to finish whatever it is he set out to do.

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Brain Skillz (part 2)

"Honey... SHOES!!"

Monday morning. The clock is ticking down to the start of summer camp and the excitement throughout the house is real!

Two eager young boys have been waiting all winter for fun in the sun with friends and family... And now it is officially here!!

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Brain Skillz (part 1)

While many kiddos are taking a break from their academic learning this summer, discoveries of many kinds and growth in knowledge of the world all around them are still very much alive and well. It is an exciting time for kids of all ages as their minds absorb daily new epic experiences around every corner. Equipped with their insatiable excitement to the very core of their beings, summer brings about countless opportunities for children and teens alike to expand their developing minds in so many incredible ways!

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Brain Training for ADHD

Although Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is such a prevalent diagnosis, there are still many misconceptions surrounding it. People often assume that ADHD results from poor parenting, laziness, or some learning disorder. And with these assumptions come a wide range of approaches to "fix" the problem. However, with the lack of proper understanding of this disorder, it’s hard to find an effective method to implement. Becoming knowledgeable about the facts of the disorder can make way for more successful interventions that will build confidence in those children instead of shame.

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How Can I Help? Shifting from Judgmental to Curious

In the words of Whitney Houston, "I believe that children are our them all the beauty they possess inside." All too often, the magnificence of individuality is overshadowed by a need to meet the status quo. When a child exhibits behavior that is "problematic" or "difficult," adults often assume the child is defiant. However, often, the child is unable to meet the requirements that are being asked of them. Instead of jumping to conclusions, adults should make an "aspect shift" and reframe how they look at behaviors.

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Why Coaching from the Sidelines is Harmful for Your Child’s Development

As parents, we want what’s best for our children, and we also want our children to give it their best when they participate in extra-curricular sports and activities. The problem is, we sometimes get caught up in our desire to see our children perform well and we speak up at the wrong times. With that said, I’ve put together some details about how coaching from the sidelines plays a harmful role in our child’s emotional development.  

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Whole Brain Intellectual Support

Stepping into the "Battle of the Books," I found myself for a moment flashing back to my sons therapy session several years ago. He had just been formally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. My husband and I were lost, not knowing which way to turn or what to do to support our boy who was struggling physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. The day leading up to a Kleenex filled lap and our then little boy curled up in a ball on our laps had been nothing sort of gut-wrenching as we both tried to help our son in a time of so many unknowns.

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Whole Brain Physical Support

The patience of my spirited six-year-old had been wearing thin for days as the anticipation of this moment drew near. Just the morning prior, he made clear to me that his brain had already left for vacation and now I needed to get his body in the car to go find it so they could be reunited at our final destination!

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Inspiration Series - Social Support

Crash! Boom! Snap!

Speed walking through the last grocery aisle for pantry necessities, a sudden, unexpected crash from the nearby bakery department sent a shot of adrenaline through my fatigued mom brain, body and spirit. After another sleepless night trying to comfort my son and an exhaustive day of putting out one emotional fire after another, I knew full well what the repercussions of this crash would entail as my body shifted into high alert mode, bracing for the inevitable impact.

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Inspiration Series - Intellectual Support

Between supporting my kids in their homeschooling, managing a new medical diagnosis and running a business amidst all of the other daily to-do's, I could not help but recognize and feel the mounting pressure around my heart space. My limbs were heavy and fatigued and the ultimate state of my weary thoughts were moving as if in slow motion, trying their very best to function on any remaining power I had left.

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Inspiration Series - Physical Support

The powerful promise of new beginnings is once again upon us! Outside our front doors, the clear blue skies with warm, golden sunshine, emerging green grass, budding trees and blossoms all welcome us to a new season of play, joy, fun, laughter and precious memories just waiting to be made.

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